Graham is a product of a joint work of a sculptor, a trauma surgeon, and a
road safety engineer, who designed him as a part of a new Australian road
safety campaign. The three worked together to create a projection of the
kind of body that humans would need to have in order to withstand a car
crash. This is what they have come up with.
Meet Graham. He might look different but I assure you that he’s human
The reason he looks the way he does is because his body has been
modified to withstand a car crash
Graham was created as part of a new Australian road safety campaign
He was designed by sculptor Patricia Piccinini, a leading trauma surgeon, and a road safety engineer
He has multiple nipples to protect his ribs like a natural set of airbags
Graham’s brain is the same as yours, but his skull is bigger with more
fluid and more ligaments to support the brain when a collision occurs
The brain is one of the most vulnerable parts of our body. It sits delicately
surrounded by cerebrospinal fluid, which acts as an inbuilt safety mechanism
to protect the brain from day-to-day knocks and jolts.
Graham has a rather flat face and a lot of fatty tissue to absorb the energy of
an impact
Our faces are a delicate mix of bone, muscle and cartilage. Many people
injured in car accidents receive fractures to their nose, damaging not only
the bone but disrupting sinuses and the delicate parts behind the cheekbone.
To combat this, Graham has a rather flat face. His nose is reduced and his
ears are protected by the larger structure of his skull and neck
Graham has been designed with airbag-like ribs with sacks that do a similar
job to that of an airbag
Car seat belts are designed to use the strength of the ribs to help us
withstand the forces of a crash. That’s why the three-point seatbelt
rests across your ribs and sternum and across your pelvis. It loads the
centre of your chest, spreading the force over the ribcage until the ribs
break when the force becomes too great.
Graham’s skull is a lot bigger, it’s almost helmet like and it’s got these i
nbuilt crumple zones that would absorb the energy on impact
The skull absorbs a lot of force on impact simply by fracturing. Essentially
this stops the force from carrying through to the brain in much the same
way a helmet works. Graham’s skull has been engineered to absorb more
of the impact earlier, much like a helmet.
Graham’s knees have movement in all directions so they are less likely to
be injured
When a pedestrian is hit by a car it’s usually when they’re stepping out
from a curb. On impact, the immediate problem is that the knee is only
built to bend in one direction, so it will almost always break first. Depending
on the force of the impact, the tendons can also pull, twist and hyperextend
well beyond their intended radius.
Graham’s neck is fortified with a brace-like structure that protects his head
from injury when there is a sudden movement
There is not enough strength in the neck to stop the head from jolting f
orward in a crash. The forward motion causes a hyperflexion injury and
the backwards motion a hyperextension injury. Simply put, the neck is
placed under more pressure than its structure can manage. The added
danger is the spinal cord running through the neck. If it is to bend and
stretch too much it will break, causing serious injuries like paraplegia or
Graham has thicker and tougher skin to shield and reduce abrasions and
road rash
A pedestrian impact is mostly blunt force trauma. However, if our bodies
are pitched to the road or if broken glass is involved, then cuts and
abrasions can occur. Skin is vulnerable to the road, with bitumen
potentially wearing through clothing. This is even more important for
motorcyclists and cyclists, who only have minimal protection between
themselves and the road.
Strong, hoof-like legs with added joints allow him to jump out of the
way quickly in a “spring-loaded” fashion
For pedestrian crashes, there are now so many variables that affect injury
severity – the size of the vehicle, height, speed and angle of impact. And
there are many situations where legs are badly damaged. In fact,
injuries to the legs, feet and ankles can cause long-term debilitation
because we are so reliant on them for everyday movement. The shin
itself is the least protected bone in the body, with only a thin layer of skin
covering it.
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