10 Simple Gifts Women Can Love More than Diamonds
- A Love Letter – In today’s electronic age, the handwritten love letter is a dying art. A heartfelt epistle extolling her virtues and declaring your steadfast affection is a surefire way to melt her heart far more than any jewel ever could.
- Handmade Gifts – Even sloppy or clumsy efforts will almost always be greeted with delight, because a handmade gift requires an investment of time and creative energy. Strolling through a jewelry store and peering into display cases might seem like a tedious effort to you, but she’s certain to be much more charmed by a gift you made solely for her with your own two hands.
- Something Specifically Tailored to Her – Even the most exquisite and extravagant pieces of jewelry are slightly impersonal. By presenting a gift that speaks exclusively to her and her interests, you can show the lady in your life that you’re listening when she speaks and that you know exactly who she is.
- A Weekend Getaway – Harried moms will be thrilled at the prospect of a quick, kid-free jaunt. With today’s prices, you can often secure accommodations at a nearby point of interest for the entire weekend for what you’d spend on one pricey trinket, and she’ll treasure the relaxed one-on-one time with you more than any piece of jewelry she can only wear on special occasions.
- A Scrapbook – Collecting photographs, ticket stubs and other mementos from your lives together and collating them into a scrapbook serves a dual purpose of showing her that you treasure your life spent together and condensing those tiny scraps into one book, where they’re less likely to create clutter or be lost.
- Her Birthstone – If you’re absolutely determined to give a gift of jewelry, choosing a piece that features your partner’s birthstone is one surefire way to ensure that it has the personal touch that she’ll appreciate.
- Honesty – One of the most important gifts you can give a partner is absolute honesty; it’s also a gift that can and should be given every day. The strongest relationships are those built upon a foundation of truth, so avoid the temptation to be less than honest in sticky situations.
- Your Undivided Attention – The fast pace and demanding nature of professional life today often leaves couples greeting each other largely in passing. Setting aside a special day to devote all of your attention to her is a gift that she’ll treasure for years to come.
- Something Personal to Your Relationship – A mix CD filled with songs that have special meaning to the two of you, a trip to the place where you first met, or other gifts that reference something specific to the two of you and your relationship are never-fail gifts for any woman.
- A Sincere Apology – If your gift-giving occasion is the result of a major misstep, a sincere apology will go much farther than a hastily-purchased gift encrusted with jewels. Acknowledging that you’ve done wrong and vowing to make every effort not to repeat it is the most important post-argument gift out there.
Of course, there is one diamond that truly is forever: the one in an engagement ring. If you and your honey have reached this level of commitment, there’s no gift that can compare to the one that symbolizes your love for her and your unwavering faith in your future together.
Source: (http://www.topdatingsites.com/blog/2012/10-simple-gifts-women-can-love-more-than-diamonds/)