The most flirtatious people get the most attention
On average, someone sending out 35 flirtatious signals per hour will be approached by four romantic prospects during that time period. Now, 35 signals per hour might seem like a lot, but whether she knows it or not, a good flirt sends out signals almost constantly--from something as simple as tilting her head to the side, stroking her arm, or leaning slightly toward the person she likes.
It takes three glances to send a signal
You'll have to look at someone three times before they'll get the hint that you're into them. One trick to get someone looking at you more often than they might otherwise, is to hold their gaze for two to three seconds. (That may not sound like long, but if you time it, it will seem like an eternity; nonromantic glances last only 1.18 seconds on average.)
A smile with crow's feet is a good hint
A smile with crow's feet in the corner of the eyes is a sign that someone is genuinely happy. If someone's smiling at you and you don't see them, that means someone's forcing a “fake smile” and would rather not be talking to you. Smiles with crow's feet are the best to see, and to give. For instance, sexting — sending sexually suggestive text messages or photos — is usually thought of as a teenage pastime. But according to a report from the Pew Research Center's Internet and American Life Project based on a representative sample of 2,252 adults surveyed by telephone in May 2010, it is far more common among people ages 18 to 29.
Nearly one-third of that group say they have received sexually suggestive or nude photos of someone they know, and 13 percent say they have sent them, the report said.